Tuesday, October 25, 2011

8 Effects Every Photographer Should Know About

K-Squared Designs appreciates the art of photography, here is an interesting article about a few different effects one can use as a photographer. This article is from 1st Web Designer.com written by Rachel Arandilla:

Photography seems easy at first glance. You simply make your frame and press the shutter button. The reality is, everyone can take a photo but not all can master it. There’s more to photography than just simply “point and shoot.” Photography is a skill only a handful have the patience and the passion to stick with.

Photography students and enthusiasts must educate themselves with many technical terms such as aperture, shutter speed, focus and exposure. You’ve probably read enough about that elsewhere, so how about a few photography effects? In this post I will share some photography tips and effects. They can enhance the beauty of your photos and they can be very fun to do, too.

1. Bokeh

Bokeh refers to the aesthetic quality of blur, the out of focus area of the image. It’s how the light renders lighted areas that are out of focus. The difference in lens aberrations and aperture shape causes the area to blur, creating the look that’s aesthetically pleasing. Many photographers deliberately use the shallow-focus technique to create images with prominent bokeh areas. The term comes from Japanese ‘boke’, which literally means haze or blur.

There’s good bokeh, but there’s also bad bokeh when the blur is so distracting or harsh that it takes the focus away from the subject. Thus, good bokeh can enhance an image while bad bokeh can ruin it.

Example of bad bokeh.
Use of Creative Bokeh

by Jean Fan

You can also create other shapes of bokeh, such as the heart and star bokeh photos shown below. This can be done by using a filter with the desired shape. You can even create your own. Tutorial can be found here.

by CT Pham

Photo by Astig

2. Panning

Panning refers to the horizontal, vertical or rotational movement of an image still or video. It’s an age-old technique. To achieve panning, you must have a moving subject that you must ‘stay with’ whilst framing the shot before and after you press the shutter. This will create an interesting effect, with your subject being sharp amid a blurred background. Great for shooting moving subjects or racing and sports events.

by Sofia Duarte

Panning will take a lot of practice, but you’ll get used to it and the effort is all worth it. Of course, it is easier to ‘follow’ a human subject than faster subjects like a dog, a motorcycle or a car.

by Statesman

3. Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is one of the most basic principles of composition. It has been used for many centuries by artists, painters and now, photographers.

With the Rule of Thirds, the photographer breaks down the photo into thirds, horizontally & vertically so that you have nine equal parts. The main subject is not placed in the middle of the frame, thus it looks dynamic, moving and interesting.

When you are taking a picture you must mentally divide your viewfinder or LCD display into three to frame your shot. With the grid in mind, identify the important points of interest and frame. For some photographers, this comes naturally but for others, it will require practice.

by Rachel Arandilla

Effective use of the rule of thirds create movement and interest in any photograph.

Photo by Majoy Chua

Keep in mind the rule of thirds for post production. If you find an image’s composition boring, you can always post process it by using the cropping and reframing tools of Photoshop. Experiment with the tools at hand to improve your photos.

4. The Golden Hour

The Golden Hour, also referred to as the Magic Hour, refers to the first hour the sun rises and the last hour the sun sets. It creates a different quality of light; it adds interest and drama to the scene. It’s the perfect time of the day for creating magnificent photos–but be quick, because lighting quickly changes and fades away.

by Torontoist

What really happens during the golden hour? During sunrise and sunset, the sun is near the horizon so the daylight is of the indirect light from the sky, reducing intensity of the sun’s bright light. There is softer lighting, warmer hues and longer shadows. In other times of the day, the sun’s light can be too bright and harsh. The sun’s harsh light is particularly a problem in portrait photography, for the light can create unwanted strong shadows around the face and body.

by David Giral

With landscape photography, photographing landscape during the golden hours enhances the colors of the scene.

by Karen Bangcot

5. Golden Rectangle

The Golden Rectangle, (also the Golden Mean or the Golden Ratio) is another guideline for composition and a variation of the Rule of Thirds, but more intricate. The Golden Rectangle is the mean of the ratio of numbers on the Fibonacci Sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 and so on). The ratio creates a golden rectangle, which is comprised of a square and half of the square in the same dimension.

Again, the concept goes back to several centuries. The Golden Rectangle is even used to frame Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Paintings, artworks and photos following the Golden Rectangle tend to be stunning and pleasing to the eye. It’s because it’s an aesthetic proportion that can be found naturally: flowers, shells, butterflies and even the human body.

Photo by Rachel Arandilla

It is very hard to frame the image to the Golden Rectangle means directly from the LCD or viewfinder. Thankfully, there are now several programs that you can use to crop your photos to the Golden Rectangle dimensions during post-production.

by Chris Ganes

6. Fill Flash

Fill Flash is a technique in photography where the photographer uses flash to ‘fill in’ dark areas of the image. It’s perfect for backlit environments. The background is usually a lot brighter than the subject. To create fill flash, adjust the aperture and shutter speed correctly to expose the background, use flash to lighten the foreground but still retain the qualities of the background.

You can use flash when: the subject is in a shadow, when there is more light on the background than on the foreground, and when you are close enough to the subject for flash. Remember that your built-in flash is only powerful enough to reach up to 9 feet only. Fill Flash can brighten deeply shadowed areas, improving the image without overexposing the other areas of the image.

by Mike Baird

Fill Flash is great for illuminating the eyes, especially on bright days and the subject is wearing a cap.

by Don Giannatti

by Adrian Biondi

by Eduardo Muriedas

7. Long Exposure

Long exposure is another interesting photography effect which entails a narrow aperture and long duration shutter speed. This is done in order to create dreamy landscapes, capturing the stationary elements while blurring the moving elements of the image.

Long exposure can be tricky. It should be taken in low light situations, most often photos will be overexposed because having long exposure on sunny days can be a problem, as too much light will enter the lens.

It is often referred to as ‘night photography’. Interesting subjects to shoot are stars, moving cars and lights.

by Cretique

by Matthew Fang

by Tyler Westcott

However, there are many beautiful long exposure photographs taken during low light daytime. Shooting fog and water on long exposure is popular in photography.

by Dene Miles

by Stan Mason

8. Contre-jour

Contre-jour is a popular photography effect. It is French for ‘against daylight’, the camera is directly pointing towards the light source. Countre-jour is, basically, is the fancy speak of ‘silhouette photography’. The light source is located directly behind the subject.

The contre-jour effect produces high contrast photos between light and dark. It hides details yet emphasizes contour of the subject and shapes. Contre-jour is more popular in nature & landscape photography. The effect is often used to add a more dramatic mood and intense ambiance to the scene.

by ArtBible.net

by Karlos Portillo

Ironically though, contre-jour can enhance or reduce the quality of detail in the photo. Some recommend using a lens hood to enhance the effect of contre-jour in photographs, significantly reducing the glare coming into the lens. If too much light enters the lens, it will cause overexposure, causing the photo to lose definition.

You don’t need to follow these terms to the dot in order to create a beautiful and interesting image. In fact, rules are made to be broken! Art is about exploring yourself and your medium, after all. But to be an artist of your own you have to learn the basics first before you break them. That’s what Pablo Picasso and Van Gogh did.

Of course, these are not the only effects in photography. There are dozens more, and you can even create a photography effect through your own experimentation. Photography’s only limits is the photographer’s creativity.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Kentucky Travel Industry Awards!!!

 K-Squared Designs, in collaboration with the Murray Convention and Visitors' Bureau, took home 6 awards at the Annual Kentucky Travel Industry Award Ceremony. K-Squared finished the night with a total of 9 Awards in 6 different categories also with the Lake Barkley Tourist Commission and Kentucky's Western Waterlands. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

K-Squared Designs Holiday Ads!

The holidays are quickly approaching, which means good food, fun and shopping! Holiday sales are a great way to boost business income and widen your customer base. K-Squared Designs can help you with your holiday sale advertisements. You'll want something eye-catching and well-designed to bring people searching for your items. Here are examples of some sale ads we have done in the past.

We are flexible and creative with our customers, you will always get exactly what you want at K-Squared Designs. Visit us at www.k-squareddesigns.com or call us today at 270-761-K2DS. We look forward to hearing from you!

Monday, October 17, 2011

K-Squared T-Shirt Designs!

K-Squared Designs offers a huge selection of products and services outside the traditional realm of signs and posters. One of these offerings are our t-shirt designs, we design t-shirts for work environments, special events or anything you might want a t-shirt for! Here are a couple of designs we have made for Primary Care.

Bring us your ideas for a t-shirt you need or just tell us what you need it to say and we will have a creative and thoughtful design for you quickly! Contact us at www.k-squareddesigns.com or call us at 270-761-K2DS. Let's make a t-shirt!

Friday, October 14, 2011

New K-Squared Designs Trailer!

K-Squared Designs has a new trailer and we are in the process of making it our own. What do you think about the decals?
Look for us this weekend supporting the Murray State Racers Football Team!! GO RACERS!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Importance of Logo Design

One of the many services K-Squared Designs offers is logo creation. It cannot be stressed how important a professional logo and brand can be to a company. Even small businesses should invest in logo creation. Here is an article from register.com that goes into more detail regarding logo design:

"The use of symbols in communications has been documented since the time of hieroglyphics. Symbols are used to convey depth of information in an efficient manner, and they can be used to replace what would normally require a lot of explanation. Symbols are a fantastic way to convey a concept . . . think of roadside signs, for example.
With a logo, you can use a symbol and/or font style to convey information about your business that can be easily remembered by prospects and existing customers. It empowers your business to communicate using both visual (symbol or a graphic style) and auditory (your business name) cues, which makes it more memorable. A logo is an important part of your company’s brand, which embodies how your customers both think and feel about you.
Some business owners think that a logo design is both unnecessary and out of their reach—that it’s something for only large corporations or fancy design companies. But the importance of a smart logo design for a small business can’t be underestimated. And it’s likewise for building a brand—whether you invest in your brand or not, you’re creating your brand at every moment. It’s up to you whether that brand conveys a positive or negative image or feeling in the minds of your customers.
Think about it—if branding weren’t important, why would so many companies do it? If branding and logos weren’t important, we’d live in a world of generic products. Quite a few years ago, some people thought generic products would trump their branded, more expensive counterparts. The generic products were basically identical in quality, but came in plain, black-and-white packaging. Now years later, branded packaging takes up the majority of shelf space at retail stores. The reason for this is much more complex than the fact that people like to look at colorful packages.
Logos and brands are very important in establishing relationships with new customers. If a customer is searching for a lawn services company, for example, and he comes across two companies on Google—one that doesn’t have a professional logo design and one that does—which company do you think is more appealing?
The company with a logo has an advantage because a professional logo design conveys a feeling of trust… and trust is a big reason why customers initiate a relationship with your company. Most people are willing to pay more to have a relationship with a trusted company, as opposed to working with an unknown, generic entity.
Even if your company’s office is in your basement, or in a building that no one ever sees, if your business cards, website, and vehicles reflect a professional image, your business will appear more established and successful.
Investing in a logo design for your small business can really pay off for your business over time. Upgrade your company’s image today and you will reap the benefits of building a positive brand for your business in the future."

A professional and creative logo can leave a lasting impression in the minds of your customers. Logos help create brand loyalty and a good logo will set you apart from competitors. K-Squared Designs has the creativity and experience to help your company create a polished image. Browse our portfolio to see our past work then visit us at www.k-squareddesigns.com or call us at 270-761-K2DS to start your new logo creation today!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Retractable Banner Ads!

K-Squared Designs offers many services one of them being retractable banner ads! They are perfect for trade shows and promotional events. Portable and professional retractable banner ads are useful for any business.

Here is an example of a banner ad we made today for a Murray State University College of Business & C. A. Jones Management Group, LLC. event!
Partnering and Preparing for Professionalism! You can attend this event Monday October 24 at 5 p.m. in the Curris Center, 3rd Floor.

Visit www.k-squareddesigns.com or call 270-761-K2DS for any questions you might have about banner ads or any one of our other products.

How Graphic Design Can Help You

Here at K-Squared Designs we are a graphic design company, but what does that mean to you as a business or a customer? What can graphic design do for you exactly? Well Andy Lomax has written an article that touches a little on why graphic design should be an important part of your business plan and how it can help you achieve better results.

"Effective graphic design is the applied art of arranging text and images in a way that effectively communicates a message. Effective graphic designers can enhance the image of advertising your company and products through media such as direct mail, flyers, newsletter design, brochure design, annual reports, business cards, letterheads and of course web site design. Graphic design agencies can assist you with all the above stationary to be designed to a good standard and would give you ideas of how to implement brand development.

Effective graphic designers attract people to read the content of your message. People often get their first impression of your company through some communication such as a brochure or flier or even a business card. And the quality of the graphic design influences their reaction. Effective graphic designers build trust and confidence in your company and products and helps in brand development.

At its best, graphic design agencies welds artistic concepts such as color and shape to the essence of your products or services and takes into account the characteristics of the consumer and their trends.

Effective graphic design is also a key component of brand development. Consumers respond to graphic images such as logos, and skillful graphic design companies helps make your product stand out in a crowded marketplace.

If you want convenience, it's an advantage to hire effective graphic designers that offers a complete range of services in web development, brand development, advertising and other promotional tasks, along with portfolio management and printing. This means you can leave the whole project to one company which streamlines the whole procedure."

At K-Squared Designs we offer a wide range of design services including all that were mentioned in the above article and many more. We are committed to helping you develop a concept that will implant itself in consumers minds. We will help you stand out among competition through expert design and artistic creativity. K-Squared Designs is here to help your business thrive. Contact Us to discuss how we can help your business reach a new level of success. 
Visit www.k-squareddesigns.com  or call us at 270.761.K2DS 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Impact of Web Design for your Business

64% of consumers have made a first purchase from a brand because of a digital experience such as a web site, microsite, mobile coupon, or email. No other medium has so impacted—or altered—the traditional marketing funnel in this way. 
(Razorfish Digital Brand Experience Study, 2009)

At K-Squared Designs we offer a wide selection of design services. Some of the best services we have for local businesses are based in website design. In our current world everything is electronic, everything is online and customers expect to be able to find exactly what they are looking for quickly. Websites offer local businesses a multitude of rewards and possibilities. Renee C. Quinn of IPWatchdog.com speaks about this in her article The Importance of Having a Website:

"How often do you search in the online yellow pages for a particular business, only to find that they do not have a website? How often do members of the business community hand you a business card with an email address @yahoo.com or the like? In today’s business world it is amazing to see just how many businesses still do not have a web presence.

Once you have a website you can list your website address on your business cards, flyers and pamphlets, bulletin boards and even the company sign that you have hanging on the side of your building. In fact, you can save money on these other marketing tools by having a website. For example, you can feature an electronic version of your catalog on your website, with no limit on size. You can describe all of your products and services in greater detail because space on your website is significantly less expensive then full color print. And what happens if you need to make a change, such as if you delete or add products or services? Are you going to reprint all of your printed marketing materials? On a website, you have the ability to make the necessary changes at no additional costs.

For your clients, they will have the convenience of reading about your company and the services and products you offer on their own time. In today’s world, people lead very busy lives when you consider the commitment of their careers and family. By having a well presented website, you lend yourself to the convenience of your clients. They can come to you when they want to. If you add a “Contact Us” link onto your website, it allows your customers to contact you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can drive traffic to your site to learn all about your company and what you have to offer. Your clients can get a much better idea about your business because you can feature multiple pages on your site with greater details about the different aspects of your company, products and services. You can even provide directions to your place of business, making it easier for customers to find you.

By having a web presence, you expand your market significantly. You make yourself available to people in other time zones and even across the globe rather than the limited market audience you can reach in your local geographical area. And at a fraction of the cost! With a website there is less need to send out expensive mailings to purchased mail lists that are often unreliable. Even those mailings that do make it to the target audience are thrown away without ever being looked at.

The morale of the story is this – whether you are a small business owner, inventor, entrepreneur, artist, author, musician or band, you need a website. In the world we live in increasingly people are turning to the Internet to find information, and if you don’t have a presence on the Internet you will not only be making it more difficult for people to find you, but you will be sending the wrong message."

K-Squared Designs can help your business with website design, website hosting, website banners and E-Newsletters. Please Contact Us with any questions you might have. We will be happy to discuss your business plans regarding a new website or any of our other design services270.761.K2DS